DHP Episode - 07/01/2011 - New Darkhallow Paranatural Web Site Launched!

Michael Darkhallow, Jay Rosell, Alex Thurgood


New Darkhallow Paranatural Web Site Launched!
If you're reading this, then you're soaking in it!  Jay wasn't sure our web designers will win awards for the work, but all agreed it is a job well done.

Firenados Rage Through The Ukraine
Firenados, an unholy marriage of flame and tornado, have been striking at homes in the Ukraine, but only on even-numbered streets, and only damaging even-numbered houses.  Jay confirmed that spellcraft is the most likely culprit for controlling a firenado - and they certainly do appear to be controlled by some intelligence, but believed psychics were unlikely to be involved.  Alex admitted he had never encountered a firenado first hand.  Thankfully.

Psychics Being Used In Job Interviews And In Courtrooms
The Darkhallow Crew was outraged at the use of psychics to peek into minds of job applicants, and Michael in particular was saddened at such application in the Justice System.  Alex recounted how a psychic reached into his mind once, and immediately fell over crying, curling up into the fetal position.  Way to go, Alex... what's up there in that head of yours?

Giant Monitor Lizard Sightings In Southern Florida
Large monitor lizards up to 9 feet long are being spotted in ever increasing numbers across southern Florida.  The team speculated that they may be breeding in the Everglades from released pets brought in from overseas.  Jay also admitted that it would be possible for a Hillbilly Chemist to enlarge the creatures...

Russian Astronomer Predicts Humans To Encounter Alien Cultures Within 20 Years
The Russian Astronomer may be unaware that we live among hidden aliens each day.  That's one of the primary driving factors for the TSA's backscatter scanning systems (which, by the way, may be causing cancer in the TSA employees running them according to recent news!)  The Crew decided that the astronomer must have been referring to alien