DHP Episode - 8/24/2012 - Dragon*Con Update

Michael Darkhallow

DHP Goes To Dragon*Con

What To Expect From DHP Over The Next Couple Of Weeks
As the entire Darkhallow Paranatural crew prepares for and heads off to enjoy Dragon*Con (August 31 - Sept 3rd), the team is working hard to get their personal and professional lives in order to attend.  This week, that means that the usual Friday DHP news episode is being postponed until early next week, and that there will be no DHP for Friday August 31.

What Is DHP Up To At Dragon*Con
​Enjoying ourselves, meeting fans of the show, and handing out treats depending upon which of us you bump in to.  Michael Darkhallow has promised to trade "evil looks and conspiratorial glances" with show listeners that identify themselves and recognize him.  Jay Rosell will continue his traditional role from last year of handing out DHP T-Shirts (while supplies last) to anyone who calls him by name, and Alex Thurgood will be in attendance in a full-body costume.  Anyone who manages to identify Alex and call him by name will receive a free Adventure Vacation package for two (although they will not be able to choose a destination, but will instead accompany Alex on his next trip, wherever that may lead).

If You Are Going To Dragon*Con
​Please drop by the Contact Us page, and use the form there to let us know when you'll be there so that we can meet you!  We love meeting fans of the show, and of the paranormal in general.  Who knows, Jay Rosell may even be able to rid you of any demonic monkeys on your back while we're at it!​