DHP Episode - 11/29/2013 - The Cyclopsean Manuscript



The Cyclopsean Manuscript

Russian archaeologists have dug up what first appeared to be an ancient stone tablet… but what secrets have, so far, been uncovered that rock the foundation of what we know about Earth's history?

New Breed Of Pygmy Hippos
In a patch of rainforest only recently discovered, a new type of Hippo has been found that breaks all the rules that you thought applied to Hippos.

LAPD Zombie Scare
The Los Angeles police have begun spreading around videos they claim are designed to attract the public's attention to locking their car doors… but is the real agenda to further desensitize an already zombie-loving (at least while they aren't thought real) populace to the very probable coming zombie invasion?

Plus: God Vs. Satan in Mexico, SmartWigs from Japan, and an update on Jay and Alex!