DHP Episode - 5/2/2014 - The Return Of The Horror



The Return Of The Horror

In a Massachusetts housing development, early owners are seeing disturbing things.  One of them has gone insane and mutters incoherently about the thing he saw in his yard one night.  Meanwhile, a prominent local psychic has foretold that a centuries old evil has returned to the area...

A Phantom Race Car
Police near Beaverton Michigan confirm strange happenings along a street purported to be haunted by he ghostly apparition of a sports car near a well known raceway.  When people stop to investigate, the mysterious vehicle disappears entirely, leaving them alone on the abandoned stretch of road.

Willow Trees And The Threat From Space
Since a breed of Willow tree that predates man vanished from the Earth, no living sign of them has been found until recently when scientists detected tiny spores drifting down from space above...

Chupacabra Captive
A Texas couple claim to have captured a young specimen of the elusive Chupacabra.  Real?  Fake?  Did it eat several investigators?  Check out the video below and decide for yourself!
Note: This is the common video footage that has been manipulated by Big Media and does not accurately portray the specimen actually held in captivity.

All New Occult Corner Question

And More!