DHP Episode - 11/28/2014 - 14 Possessions


Show Notes

Michael and Jay sit in on this Thanksgiving week edition of DHP that covers the mysterious noises coming from EVP sessions as well as from off-world, a bunch of students who were “possessed” in a school, and military witnesses now coming forward with evidence of the “Sandsquatch” out of Afghanistan.

Weekly “Is It Real” Video

The skies over Russia are home to many unexplained phenomenon, but none more unexplored than the mysterious portals that periodically open and let in/out bursts of energy from realms other than our own.  This video shows footage of one of those portals opening recently and lighting the sky as well as the sun.  Is it real?  A Hoax?  Or is there a natural explanation?  Let us know via our Contact Us page or in the comments on this post and let your opinions be heard!