DHP Episode - 8/20/2014 - The Thing On Google Moon



The Logger
A mysterious craze is sweeping the globe and causing some people, such as those that run hotels and water parks or oversee public fountains, to jump at shadows and be suspicious of everyone near the water.  Is it a popular animal activity being perpetuated by humans?  Or is there something more strange at work, that approaches by air in the dark of night?  Tune in to find out the latest evidence in this global saga!

Here is one of the many internet news articles discussing this phenomenon.

The Thing On Google Moon
Google Moon, similar to Google Earth, but stocked with high-resolution NASA imagery of our only natural satellite, has shown some very interesting details of late - one of which you’ll have to see to believe!  Check out the video below!

Goblin Exorcism Gone Bad
When a witch-doctor is called to exorcise the demons making a man sick, he announces that he must remove the man’s “Goblin" to make him better… but that the process might outright kill him...

And More!