DHP Episode - 4/5/2013 - The Slobberer
The Slobberer
In the wake of multiple Flickerlights sightings over the past weeks, many DHP listeners have begun reporting frightening experiences with a shadowy figure in the middle of the night... What is this sinister apparition doing that petrifies victims so? Here is a hand-sketched Listener depiction of a Slobberer visitation he recently suffered:
The Cats That Run The Place
Budapest is the new home of a special cafe that caters to coffee and tea drinkers like any other cafe, but whose proprietors are a sophisticated family of felines with special gear and talents for the brewing business.
Orang Of A Different Color
Reports out of Sumatra indicate that a guerilla force of Orang Pendak, a tiny version of bigfoot local to that area known for a particularly strong love of fruit and disregard for the law, is building up. Could this be prelude to an invasion of Hungary?
Neptune... King Of The Sea?
Scientists working on the DNA materials of the 120 foot tongue that recently flopped ashore in Australia (currently the subject of a massive coverup by the Australian Tourism Board) have made tentative links between this and two other beasts so powerful... that they have dubbed the unknown specimen Neptune!
And More!