DHP Episode - 10/05/2012 - Polterheist



Upcoming October Specials
​Occult Corner will be returning this month for a special October run.  Also, Michael will be hosting several Darkhallow Paranatural Specials covering seasonal stories a little more in-depth than usual.  This is all in addition to the usual programming, which will continue each Friday.  It is not yet decided if Occult Corner will be a part of DHP normal programming, or a separate program with a limited October run.

The Phone Call 
​Tonight's program opens with a snippet of a phone call from Alex Thurgood to Michael Darkhallow in the early hours of Saturday, Sept 29.  Hear the explanation for the bizarre call directly from Alex Thurgood.  It is a chilling tale.

The Pig Who Dressed For Dinner
​An Oregon farmer may have been consumed by one of his farm animals as mounting evidence places an upright pig (or pig-like creature) at the site where his dentures and other personal remains were discovered.

Bad Vibrations
​Several washing machine manufacturers are under investigation for products that violently vibrate homes strongly enough to open doors and shatter windows and plates.  The strange part is... this happens even when the machines are not turned on...

​From defacing priceless artworks to robbing a bank, a recent trend of troublemaking by mysterious invisible beings (ghosts?) is being declared poltergeist activity.  The two most prominent examples given, is this truly a poltergeist... or something else entirely?