DHP Episode - 7/6/2012 - Slender In Seattle

Michael Darkhallow, Jay Rosell, Alex Thurgood


The Origins of Bigfoot
As it seems to be a hot topic currently, Michael gives a brief rundown of the way various regions of the world view what we know of as Bigfoot, and the team discusses the possible origins of the cryptid.

A Mass Marriage Made In Heaven
Eight ghosts were wed in a ceremony in Burka, which spurred a lively discussion about the merits of post-burial matrimony and its application in the occult world.

Unidentified Underwater Objects
With word buzzing about a newly discovered underwater "UFO", the team covers the story and the impending government coverup that is likely (and already rumored to be in progress).

China Newest Country To Face Random Cannibalism
Another seemingly random act of cannibalism in China sparks debate on the potential critical mass of zombies lurking within China's borders. Can over-indulgence in alcohol REALLY make you crave face that badly? (Really?)

Listener Emails

SlenderInSeattle wrote to describe a possible Slenderman sighting they personally experienced, and to ask if they should be afraid.

Anonymous Listener asked about the usefulness of a particularly powerful looking "Worry Box" spotted in an add.